Peer Review Process and Training
The policy is based on COPE's core practices and WAME's guidelines.
The Women, Midwives and Midwifery Journal upholds a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the quality, validity, and relevance of the scholarly content it publishes. The process is designed to be fair, constructive, and timely, aiming to foster scholarly communication and continual learning among authors, reviewers, and readers. This policy encompasses the following aspects:
- Peer Review Process:
- Manuscripts submitted to the journal are initially screened for compliance with the journal's guidelines before being sent to at least two independent, expert reviewers.
- Reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the manuscript's subject area. They are required to disclose any conflicts of interest and adhere to the journal's confidentiality and ethics guidelines.
- Double-Blind Review:
- In the double-blind review process, both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous to each other to ensure an unbiased evaluation.
- Review Feedback and Revision:
- Constructive feedback from reviewers is communicated to the authors, who may be required to revise their manuscripts in response to the reviewers' comments.
- Training:
- The journal provides necessary resources and training to reviewers to ensure they are well-equipped to evaluate manuscripts effectively.
- Continuous education on best practices in peer review is provided to both new and existing reviewers to uphold the standards of the review process.
- Transparency and Accountability:
- The journal maintains a transparent process, providing authors with information on the status of their manuscript throughout the review process.
- It is committed to acknowledging the valuable contributions of reviewers and fostering a community of respect and professionalism.