Author Guidelines

Preparation Guidance:

This guidance is based on the American Psychological Association's manuscript preparation guide. All manuscripts must be prepared according to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th or 7th edition).

  • Manuscripts may be copyedited for bias-free language (see Chapter 3 of the 6th edition or Chapter 5 of the 7th edition).
  • Additional formatting instructions, as well as instructions on preparing tables, figures, references, metrics, and abstracts, appear in the Manual.
  • Further guidance on APA Style is available on the APA Style website.

Manuscript Length and Language:

The manuscripts of this journal will be published on a 10 - 15 pages long. Please consider this in your manuscript prior to submitting the articles. The preferred language is English.

Manuscript Sections:

  1. Title
    The title should be concise, descriptive, and informative.

  2. Author Information
    Include names, complete affiliation data, and designate one corresponding author.

  3. Abstract

    • Background: Brief background of the topic and significance of the study.
    • Purpose: The primary aim of the study.
    • Methods: A summary of the study setting and participants; the study design; main methods used to collect and analyze data, including the proper name of instruments used.
    • Results: Significant findings.
    • Conclusion: Conclusions and implications for nursing practice.
  4. Keywords
    Maximum of 5 keywords separated by a semicolon (;), crucial to the appropriate indexing of the papers.

  5. Introduction

    • Background: Provide a brief introduction to the research topic and its relevance.
    • State of the Art: Present an overview of the current understanding or practice related to the research topic.
    • Previous Studies and Gap Analysis: Discuss previous key studies and identify gaps or unresolved issues that your research aims to address.
    • Significance of the Study: Explain the importance of addressing the identified gap(s) and the potential impact of your research.
    • Problem Statement or Formulation: Clearly articulate the problem you aim to solve or the research question(s) you seek to answer.
    • Objective: State the primary aim or objectives of your research.
    • Scope and Limitations: Define the scope of your study and acknowledge any limitations.
  6. Method

    • Research Design: Describe the design of your study and the rationale behind it.
    • Setting: Mention where and when the research was conducted.
    • Population and Sample: Detail the population under study and the sampling method used.
    • Data Measurement: Describe the variables measured and the tools or instruments used.
    • Data Analysis Methods: Explain the methods used to analyze the data.
    • Ethical Conduct: Discuss any ethical considerations and the measures taken to address them.
  7. Results and Discussions

    • Results: Summarize the key findings of your research in a clear and concise manner, using text or visuals as appropriate.
    • Discussion: Analyze and interpret your findings in relation to the research objectives and the existing literature. Discuss the implications of your findings and compare with previous studies.
  8. Conclusion

    • Summarize the major points of your research, addressing the objectives or research questions posed in the Introduction.
    • Discuss the implications of your findings for the field and suggest directions for future research.
    • Acknowledge any remaining limitations and provide recommendations for practitioners or policymakers.
  9. Acknowledgements (if any)
    Briefly acknowledge the research funders and any research participants in this section.

  10. Funding or Financial Support
    Indicate any funding or financial support received for the research, specifying the name of the funding organization and the grant number, if applicable.

  11. References
    Write references in APA format, ensuring at least 15 references from primary sources, preferably journals and proceeding articles, with at least 80% of the references within the last five years. List references in alphabetical order, and ensure each listed reference is cited in the text, and each text citation is listed in the References section.

  12. Figures
    Graphics files are welcome if supplied as Tiff or EPS files. Multipanel figures should be assembled into one file with a minimum line weight for line art of 0.5 point for optimal printing. 


Manuscripts should be written in 12 pt Times New Roman and single spacing. Ensure compliance with the specified page length and language preferences.


 Click on this link to download the article template.