Focus and Scopes

The Women, Midwives and Midwifery journal provides a forum for the publication, dissemination and discussion of advances in evidence, controversies, current research and current knowledge. It promotes continuing education through the publication of research findings, systematic and other reviews, expert's commentary, case studies, methods, protocol and updates across a broad range of topics focusing on women, midwives and midwifery.

The topic of women includes issues related to women's life cycle from pra-conception up to menopause, women's social status, gender and women's health, and biopsychosocial aspects which influences their health and wellbeing.

The topic of midwives includes midwives' training and education, practices and services care within women's life cycle, leadership and professionalism in midwifery context

The topic of midwifery includes midwifery sciences and practices, research, innovation, the midwifery model of care, technology for supporting midwifery, and policies influence midwifery and women's health